The Lower Mainland Local Government Association had their Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2021 and we are pleased to announce that motion R4 Updating BC’s Wrongful Death Laws was passed!
The Lower Mainland Local Government Association is having their Annual General Meeting on May 12, 2021. Motion R4, Updating BC’s Wrongful Death Laws (page 34), which was initiated by the Vancouver City Council, is up for endorsement to move onward to the UBCM Annual Conference.
Family members say lost loved ones are ‘worthless’ under B.C. law in emotional PSA.
A 30-second public service announcement by the B.C. Wrongful Death Law Reform Society shows 14 grieving family members holding photos of lost loved ones, part of a campaign to overhaul the province’s Family Compensation Act.
The motion to have the Union of BC Municipalities recommend to the province to modernize BC’s wrongful death laws has passed Vancouver City Council with a unanimous decision in favour!