A list of legal advisement resources that you can access.
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Access Pro Bono is committed to increasing access to justice for all British Columbians. The organization operates a number of programs that provide free legal services to both individuals and non-profit organizations of limited financial means.
Lawyer Referral Service | Call Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
1-800-663-1919 | (604) 687-3221 (Lower Mainland) | lawyerreferral@accessprobono.ca
The Lawyer Referral Service connects BC residents of any income with a lawyer that is suitable to their legal needs. Call or email the Lawyer Referral Service to be referred to a lawyer who can arrange to meet for a 30 minute consultation free of charge.
1-877-762-6664 | (604) 878-7400 (Lower Mainland)
The Summary Advice Program offers a variety of legal advice clinics in communities across BC. The clinics provide individuals who meet certain financial eligibility requirements with the opportunity to consult with a volunteer lawyer for up to 30 minutes, free of charge.
Call the Access Pro Bono office to book an appointment at a clinic. A directory of legal advice clinics in communities across BC can be found here.
Paralegal Program | Held monthly on Wednesdays, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
(604) 660-2084
The Paralegal Program connects BC residents who are representing themselves in court with volunteer paralegals for help filling out legal documents. Workshops are held monthly at the downtown Vancouver courthouse. Call the Paralegal Program to schedule an appointment.
(778) 522-2839 | legalformsbc@gmail.com | Or, request an appointment online
Amici Curiae is a non-profit charity committed to helping self-represented British Columbians navigate the legal system. The organization offers appointments for 1 or 2 hour free, confidential workshops for help filling out legal forms.
(Held on the third Friday of every month) | (604) 558-1954 | thecentre@murphybattista.com | 908 West King Edward Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5Z 2E2
Murphy Battista LLP is a private personal injury law firm that offers a free legal advice clinic on the third Friday of every month. The clinic offers free, 50 minute consultations with a lawyer, scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To book an appointment, fill out an online form briefly explaining your legal question. You will be contacted by a representative to confirm your appointment.
Student legal clinics are run by law students who work under the direction of a supervising lawyer to provide free summary legal advice for clients who are not able to afford a lawyer. Contact the clinics to determine your eligibility for assistance and to book an appointment.
(BC Interior) Community Legal Clinic | Thompson Rivers University School of Law
Call Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm | (778) 471-8490
(Vancouver) Law Students’ Legal Advice Program | University of British Columbia, Peter A. Allard School of Law
Call Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm | (604) 822-5791
(Victoria) The Law Centre | University of Victoria Faculty of Law
Call Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm | (250) 385-1221 | reception@thelawcentre.ca
The following online resources offer public legal education and information:
Guide to Waiving Filing Fees in Small Claims Court (Community Legal Assistance Society)