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October 20th, 2019

Victoria, BC

The BC Wrongful Death Law Reform Society will be presenting October 23rd, 2019 to the NDP Caucus at the Legislative Building in Victoria, BC. The Society, is calling for immediate and urgent reform to British Columbia’s antiquated and discriminatory wrongful death legislation, that is sadly lagging behind from other Canadian Provinces.

“In order to allow for real incentive in policy change in our Province’s intuitions, we need to implement meaningful legislation to protect our children, our elders, and our disabled; all members of our society deserve dignity and equal access to justice.” – Michael-James Pennie, President of the BC Wrongful Death Law Reform Society

“The pursuit of truth and justice is inextricably linked to the grieving process. There needs to be a change in the law to provide access to justice for all individuals.” – Don Renaud, Past President of the Trial Lawyers Association of BC

The Society met with Attorney General David Eby on October 9th, 2019 and was receptively received. This meeting followed a previous 9 Liberal and NDP MLA meetings that the Society held in the Spring of 2019. The current legislation denies non-pecuniary damages (pain and suffering), punitive damages (damages for egregious acts), and loss of companionship to the survivors of loved ones killed by the neglectful or wrongful actions of another. Only the families of loved ones that had an income and dependents who were wrongfully killed ever see the inside of a courtroom. This has left the family members of children, the elderly, and the disabled who were wrongfully killed without access to justice under the current discriminatory law.

British Columbians can learn more about the ‘In Their Name’ campaign, by visiting Visitors to the website can fill out a ‘Contact Your MLA’ tool to easily raise their concerns with their local Member of the Legislative Assembly, explore further educational resources about the issues with the current legislation, personal stories of victims affected by wrongful death, and the newly proposed legislation.

The BC Wrongful Death Law Reform Society was founded in 2015 by family members who lost their loved ones to wrongful death and is run solely by volunteers, representing hundreds of families who have come forward who have been prevented access to justice. Their goal is to see provincial legislation passed that enables families to seek justice and fair compensation, regardless of age, health or employment status of their loved ones.

For further information, please contact us.

2024 Election – David Eby & the BC NDP have failed to keep their promise to modernize BC’s wrongful death laws within their 2020-2024 mandate of government.

John Rustad and the Conservative Party of BC have committed to modernize if elected.

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