Your MLA Meeting Report Has Been Received

Thank you for submitting valuable information on your meeting with your MLA. We very much appreciate your advocacy and initiative in furthering modernization of wrongful death laws in BC.  We will review your meeting notes and get back to you for further correspondence if necessary.

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IMPORTANT: Special Message from the Society’s Volunteer President

Did You Know?

Your Donation could help us reach thousands of people with this incredibly important message.

$10 = 1,000 POST Views on Facebook + 10 POST Shares + 10 MLA Form Submissions
$50 = 5,000 POST Views on Facebook + 50 POST Shares + 50 MLA Form Submissions
$100 = 10,000 POST Views on Facebook + 100 POST Shares + 100 MLA Form Submissions

YES, you’re reading that correctly! This message is so important that our reach for such a small advertising spend is unprecedented. Your Donation can make a massive impact on the future of British Columbia.

The BC Wrongful Death Law Reform Society is a non-profit that is 100% run by a small team of very passionate unpaid volunteers; volunteers who’ve lost a loved one to wrongful death in the province, and were not able to obtain justice. They don’t want to see other British Columbians experience the grief and burning sense of injustice that they have felt. They want to see meaningful deterrence to prevent unnecessary and preventable wrongful deaths in the future.

The Society is entirely funded through the personal financial contributions of its volunteers and the public. If you can, please Donate, every little bit helps.

Donation Guarantee100% of all funds received by way of public Donation will be going solely to marketing and advertising to create public awareness. 0% will be used for “administrative purposes”.


Please submit your donation amount, either one-time, or recurring monthly. If monthly, you can also cancel anytime. The form below is SSL encrypted, fully secure and private, and is processed using our merchant processor Stripe. Your credit card number is only provided to Stripe to process your payment. If you have any questions regarding donations, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.


*Due to recent government restrictions on the ability of public interest groups to claim charitable status we are unable to issue tax receipts.

Not Able to Donate At This Time?

You can still help and we appreciate your time – if you wouldn’t mind sharing the website and this critical message with your friends and family, we would be very grateful.

Thank you for your support.


The President of The BC Wrongful Death Law Reform Society

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